Alexander J. Sutherland
Ross Assistant Professor in Mathematics
The Ohio State University
Recent News & Events
Mar 2023: I gave talks at the No Boundaries seminar at the University of Chicago and in the Algebraic Geometry seminar at Ohio State. Additionally, the paper Generalized Versality, Special Points, and Resolvent Degree for the Sporadic Groups was accepted at the Journal of Algebra.
Dec 2023: I have a new expository piece out:
A Summary of Known Bounds on the Essential Dimension and Resolvent Degree of Finite Groups (arXiv link)
Contact Information
sutherland.159 [at] osu [dot] edu
Mathematics Tower 600
231 W. 18th Ave
Department of Mathematics
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
Quick Facts
I use methods from algebraic geometry to answer questions about resolvent degree.
My postdoc advisor (Ohio State) is Angélica Cueto.
My Ph.D advisor (UC Irvine) was Jesse Wolfson.
At UC Irvine, I have been named a Graduate Dean's Dissertation Fellow (2021-2022), an ARCS Foundation Scholar (2019-2021), a Pedagogical Fellow (2019), and a Science in Action Fellow (2018-2020).
At Oberlin College, I was a John Frederick Oberlin Scholar (2012-2016), an Elbridge P. Vance Scholar of Mathematics (2015-2016), and received the Edward T. Wong Memorial Prize in Mathematics (2016).
For more details, please see my CV (available here).
This is an image from Steve Trettel's video on the braid monodromy of complex polynomials (available here). For more, please see his website:
New to Resolvent Degree? Check out
Mathematicians Resurrect Hilbert's 13th Problem in Quanta magazine | My talk What is... resolvent degree?
To the left is a recording of my talk What is... resolvent degree? , which was given in a virtual seminar based on the "What is...?" column in the AMS notices.
To the right, you can find a copy of the corresponding slides.

Federico Ardila's Axioms for Mathematics
I fully support Federico Ardila's axioms for mathematics:
Mathematical potential is distributed equally among different groups, irrespective of geographic, demographic, and economic boundaries.
Everyone can have joyful, meaningful, and empowering mathematical experiences.
Mathematics is a powerful, malleable tool that can be shaped and used differently by various communities to serve their needs.
Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.